The History of Photography


The History of Photography

Painters used the first, simple form of ‘photography’ or rather the act of capturing the light cast from reality, with a device called the Camera Obscura. This projected an image of what was in front of it onto a flat, glass surface, which painters then traced or copied…


An Interview with a Conservator


An Interview with a Conservator

Many have heard me talk about the time spent being mentored by Jennifer, an Asian Arts conservator, to gain insight into the art of paper conservation. I have known Jennifer now for 4 years and in this time I have been amazed at not only her skill, but her dedication to maintaining the highest levels of professionalism and quality of her work…


Our new home


Our new home

Well we finally did it! After almost 5 years in the gallery we finally found the perfect new space to grow and expand. Located on the corner of Ipswich Road and St Kilda Place in Annerley the stunning heritage listed Art Deco building is the perfect space for our custom framing studio…


A Thankyou to my Mum

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A Thankyou to my Mum

As Mothers Day approaches we reflect on the magnitude of our Mothers role in our lives and how much we love and appreciate them. Even more so as the years tick by where we too have been mothers ourselves, we really begin to grasp and understand just how much they did for us. The sacrifices they made and their unconditional love. Even if we didn't realise it at the time.

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